What you should know

If you have already decided that you want to have your own aircraft hangar, you know where it would be built, what aircraft and possibly what other items you will keep in it you should concentrate on the whole formal and legal environment.



From the Construction Law point of view that is applicable in your country, an aircraft hangar is a building structure permanently connected to the ground. This means that it should be designed and constructed according to strictly defined rules and the appropriate documentation should be prepared before any civil works begin.



There are structures made of 'lightweight materials’ which are sold as so-called 'temporary civil structures’. However, you should be aware that after a certain period of time (which depends on the law of the country and is usually limited to around 180 days), such a structure after this period must be registered as a building structure permanently connected to the ground. No do so means that the structure becomes an 'arbitrary structure’ which means an illegal building construction.



Before taking a decision it is important to check if all the local circumstances allow you to build the hangar in the dedicated place. In order to do this, it is necessary to study the Local Zoning Plan, or (if such a plan is not available) to ask for Development Conditions (these guidelines may have different names in different countries). The local authority in your area or an architect who uses these type of documents on a daily basis can certainly be very helpful). Obviously, if the hangar is planned to be built at the airport or airfield such information is available at the property owner.



If it turns out that nothing stands in the way and the investment can be realised, there is a time to look at the hangar design. It is worth trusting companies that exist in the aviation industry because such companies have a better understanding of the practical aspects of hangar use. It is also very important to make sure that the design company or hangar supplier designs its structures in accordance with current regulations. Within the European Union, for example, the catalogue of guidelines according to which building structures should be designed are the EUROCODES standards. In short, 'The EN Eurocodes apply to the structural design of buildings and other civil engineering works including, geotechnical aspects, structural fire design and situations including earthquakes, execution and temporary structures.



The UK, for example, is moving to the UKCA standard, which is the UK equivalent of the European CE standard.



One of the most important aspects to consider when bringing in a building structure is wind and snow load. Most regions of the world are zoned according to how much the structure will be affected by falling and accumulating snow, or how strong the winds are in a particular location. Don’t worry, if you tell us the location of your future hangar, we will choose out of our catalogue the right elements so that they meet the respective weather conditions. In addition, we will also determine the values necessary for the designer of the foundations for the hangar.



To design the foundations you will still need a geotechnical soil survey. This document shows how compact the ground is, at what depth the groundwater is, which will have a significant impact on the design of the foundations for the hangar.



For the construction project should be performed by the qualified architect. This is the person that selects the designers of all the necessary branches (building, electrical, fire protection, etc.). He also collects surveying documentation, soil measurements, all necessary documents for the construction of the specific hangar and executes the construction project on the basis of which all the construction works will be carried out.



In most countries, ones you plan to begin civil works you should notify the intention to carry out works to the appropriate authority or obtaining a so-called building permit. In addition, a suitably qualified site manager must usually be appointed. This person will supervise and document the various phases of the hangar’s construction including civil and installation works. A surveyor will be on site to mark out the exact location of the hangar.



Civil works is the first step to be carried out. The topsoil removal and excavate for the foundations are to be performed. The construction company makes the formwork and reinforcement, which will then be poured with concrete, or lays the prefabricated foundations.



The sequence of further works is determined by the type of flooring in the hangar and the chosen hangar technology. It is important that all works requiring significant access, the use of cranes or mobile construction equipment is carried out before the hangar is assembled. If the floor requires a substructure, this scope of works should be done before the hangar structure is erected and covered with steel plating.



Once the concrete of the foundations has reached the minimum expected loading factor (usually after ca. 3 weeks), we can start assembling the hangar structure. First, we will measure the foundations and determine where the hangar structure will be anchored to the foundations. We will place the hangar walls and install the roof structure. In the last phase the hangar gates will be installed. All assembly works take maximum two days!



Finally all the required installations can be done, including electrical, lighting, alarms, etc., and the flooring if not done at an earlier stage. At the same time all the works outside the hangar can be performed. When the work is completed the as-built documentation is to be submitted to the appropriate authority and your new hangar is ready for use. Enjoy!


Sounds complicated? Don’t worry, it’s not so difficult😉.


You only need the right partners!

SKYWAY HANGARS is a member of
Skyway Sp. z o. o.
Lotnicza 14 Street, 50-080 Mirosławice
Hangar B-4 Poland